MEPHORASH - “1557 – Rites of Nullification" digi pack 6 panels digi...
Black Altar "Death Fanaticism" IX hymns devoted to Death. Pure Madness,...
BEASTCRAFT / BLACK ALTAR - "Occult Ceremonial Rites” / "Winds ov Decay"...
Arvas "Blessed from Below...Ad Sathanas Noctum" - Cult Black Metal from...
TARAN, a kult horde in the Polish underground, is back after a decade....
Beastcraft / HYL - "Himni Ad Impios" tape split. Limited tape version of the split of Beastcraft / Hyl which was released only as limited to 35 copies vinyl. Released by NecroEucharist Productions.
Besatt - "Czarci Majestat" - Demo of Besatt. Pro tape released by Hell is Here Prod, rare!
Black Altar "Black Altar". Very professional tape version of this great debut album. Elite Holocaust Horror Black Metal exclusively! Rare.
Black Altar 'Death Fanaticism'. Pro tape version released through Propaganda Rec from Ukraine (Lucifugum). Elite Holocaust Horror Black Metal exclusively! Rare
BLACK ALTAR - "Suicidal Salvation / Emissaries of the Darkened Call" TAPE. Released by Legions ov Darkness (UK) in limit of 100 copies! Re edition of Suicidal Salvation + IV bonus songs taken from the split with Varathron / Thornspawn. IX Hymns of Black Metal Art devoted to Self- Sacrifice. Get Ready for Ritual Suicide.....
Black Altar / Beastcraft - Deus Inversus / Occult Ceremonial Rites. Split tape with jewel case. Released by Zly Demiurg Prod, limited to 150 copies.
Black Altar / Beastcraft - split tape with jewel case. Released by Blackwood Prod (UK), limited to 100 copies.
Black Altar / Varathron / Thornspawn - "Emissaries of the Darkened Call" split. Tape edition from Fasma Production (Gre), limited to 50 copies. Rare!
Black Altar / Varathron / Thornspawn - "Emissaries of the Darkened Call" de luxe tape box released by RawBlackKult from Bolivia. Jewel case, slip case + poster! Limited to 139 copies, only few copies for Europe! Buy or Die!
BlackDeath - "Grave of the Light". Cult BM from Russia. Rare tape from 2006 released by Blutreinheit Productions.
Blaze of Perdition - "Near Death Revelations". Tape version of the last, very good album of Blaze of Perdition, limit to 200 copies hand numbered copies, rare.
Christ Agony - "Trilogy". Original tape from 1998 released by Pagan Rec. Kult Polish band. Sold as used although it was played just 1 time.
Egzekwie - "Czarna Noc Duszy" pro tape. Very good Funeral Doom Metal from Poland.
Hell Born - "Natas Liah" tape limited to 50 copies. Released by Unpure Records.
HELL-BORN - "Natas Liah". Cult Black / Death Metal of ex members of Behemoth who back with the new album after 12 years, feat. Nergal. Tape released by Unpure Rec under the license of Odium Rec. Limited to 50 copies. Rare!
HELL-BORN - "Natas Liah". The highest quality tape, released by Analog Ragnarok, limited to 100 copies.
Ofermod "Sol Nox". The latest album of the kult Ofermod on tape.
Ofermod / Acherontas / Black Altar - "Drakonian Elitism" tape - Pre orderHigh quality, 2 sides printed tape version of the split. Limited to 100 copies. Very special, Ritualistic release dedicated to Drakonian Current. The split contains X new opuses of Orthodox Black Metal Art lasting approximately 53 minutes. Premiere date: December 2023
Ofermod / Acherontas / Black Altar - "Drakonian Elitism" - de luxe Wooden Box, limited to 100 copies which contains: - 2 Lp, gatefold, Die hard Red version, 180gsm vinyls with graver on side D + poster - digi pack cd with 16 pages booklet - tape printed with both sides - t-shirt (write a size with your order) - incense - certificate of authorization
Perunica - "Swiete Dziedzictwo Przodkow". Pagan Black Metal from Poland. Demo tape from 2001. Rare!
Thirst - "The Might of the Pagan Belief". Cult Black Metal from Poland. Album from 1994, rereleased in 2005 by Total War. Rare!
Vulture Lord - "Desecration Rite" limited tape, released by Bylec Tum.
Wilk (Wolf) - "Hammer of Hate". Radical, Black Metal from Poland. Tape from 2006. Rare!